
Specific taste

Aiden has very specific taste in food and music. And now that he’s talking, he makes sure that we know it.

For food, it’s all pancakes, all the time. It’s almost a game—we ask if he wants eggs, or oatmeal, or even a hot dog. “pa-kak”. He will even find the syrup for us in the rotating cabinet. That’s the most important part, after all.

Ever since we purchased an Apple TV, it has been used mainly to show cartoons. Lately, however, Aiden wants to hear music. And by “music”, I mean Baskov. Literally all day, the tenor voice of Николай Басков fills our house. Aiden asks for it by name, “ba-ka”, and will often sing along with certain songs.

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One Response
  1. DAD says:

    Can he eat pancakes and sing Николай Басков at the same time?

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