
Latest doctor visit

Aiden had his 18 month checkup on his 19 month birthday. He’s right on schedule as far as his vital statistics go: 33 inches, 28 pounds. He has slowly migrated toward the 50th percentile over the last few months. Basically, he has grown into some of the baby fat he had.

He currently knows about 8 different words: daddy, mommy, ball, balloon, hi, bye bye, fish, and bubble. And a whole slew of animal sounds. He hits all of the milestones as well: climbing stairs, building with blocks, responding to simple commands, and opening doors.

Yep, he’s a big boy now.

Category: milestones
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One Response
  1. DAD says:

    …he needs a fort and or tunnel to continue the progress he is making, per Dr. Spock! :-)

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