Aiden ever-increasing vocabulary of monosyllabic grunts seems to have lost a member. “Ma”.
He has been quite vocal lately, and after learning the raspberry, loves to walk around spraying the world with his emerging-tooth-inspired slobber. He can say “Da Da” (or, more accurately, “dadadadadada”), and “Bubba” (“bububububu”–baby and/or bottle). We’ve heard some N-based sounds “nuh”, and most of short vowel sounds. He can smack his lips quite loudly in what we like to pretend is a kiss at us, and he can grunt like nobody’s business, frequently while pointing at some item or place that he wants but probably should not have nor go.
And he used to be able to say “MaMa” (again, “mamamamamamama”). Tanya tries to extract some form of maternal greeting, and almost out of spite, it seems, he refuses to say it. Even worse, a “DaDa” will come out, making me beam with pride. Mission accomplished–Aiden loves Daddy the most!
We’ll see how far that love will actually go at 3am.