
Author Archive

Crime Scene

Aiden investigates a crime scene.

Toy House

A house for toys

Chalk Face

Aiden and Daddy stop drawing on the sidewalk, and start drawing on our faces.

Scuba Man

Aiden prepared for bath time.


Aiden visited the dentist for the first time yesterday. He was VERY good, and didn’t fight or cry at all.

Perfect teeth, no cavities!

Category: milestones  One Comment

Fork Man

Aiden using a fork to eat cake.


Aiden learns how to use an archaic computer peripheral–a mouse.


Me: Daddy has to take a shower
Aiden: why?
Me: Because I’m dirty
Aiden: why?
Me: Because I cut the grass
Aiden: why?
Me: Because it was too tall
Aiden: why?
Me: because it grew
Aiden: why?
Me: well, sunlight shines down and there is a biochemical process called photosynthesis…
Aiden: okay.

Bathroom break

Aiden went to the restroom by himself for the first time today. Mommy and Daddy were talking in the kitchen when we noticed that Aiden had wondered off. It was then that we heard the toilet flush. Aiden walked out (underwear on, pants off), VERY proud of himself.

Category: milestones  One Comment