From the archives. Aiden walking to the beach in Destin, Florida, and playing on the sand. Shot September 27th, 2008.
Archive for » September, 2009 «
From the archives. Aiden plays with Ozzy and his ball of string. Shot October 9th, 2008.
From the archives. Aiden mimics mommy in crossing her arms and other gestures. Shot June 22nd, 2008.
There will be quite a few posts from the archives over the next few days, many over a year old.
We’re putting Aiden to sleep last night, when we hear a train off in the distance. Tanya and I are used to it–it’s very faint and we rarely notice.
Aiden pops his head up, gets excited, and starts exclaiming “Choo choo! Choo choo!”
“Yes, it’s a choo choo. Let’s go to sleep.”
Grandpa Ron shows Aiden how to use grass to make a whistle sound. Shot July 26th, 2009.
At two years, seven months, 10 days, Aiden has learned the word “No”. We’re in trouble now.
Aiden showing how spoiled he really is. Shot August 26th, 2009.