
Archive for » 2007 «

Doctor, round 3

Aiden had his 8th month pediatrician appointment at All Children’s Pediatrics. While being examined by Missy he did an excellent job, even when he received his shots (RotaTech and Previnar).

For his 8th month visit his measurements include: length 27” (27%), weight 21b. 7oz (80%) and head size 45 (51%).  He’s continuing the trend of being short and chubby.


Aiden can now fully roll over from his belly to his back going from left to right. He doesn’t like being on his belly therefore his newly learned skill comes in handy quite often. He can also sit up for a while without falling over, especially when he sits on the solid surfaces.

He is very curious about everything around him. Nothing is safe as long as it in his reach. He loves to crumble up paper. Today while shopping at Kroger, Aiden was responsible for the grocery list. As mommy and daddy tried taking it from him for a while to refer to it, Aiden got really upset.

Aiden gets very happy when mommy and daddy tickle and play with him. As he gets excited he laughs, smiles, and if standing tried to jump up and down on his feet.

He enjoys sitting in his play center and occupying himself for about 10-15 min. depending on the mood. His favorite toys tend to be little balls that can roll down a tunnel. He tried to eat them and eventually ends up throwing them down on the floor.

Aiden is pretty good about his night routine. He gets his last feeding at 8pm every evening and falls to sleep by himself in his crib afterwards. He still cries during the night, but generally on the good days putting in his passy tends to calm him down. Somewhere between 4-5 am he generally wakes up due to tummy rumbles. Usually feeding or gassy medicine tends to calm him down.

Car Ride

Today Aiden had his first full day away from home on the family trip to Cincinnati to celebrate mommy and daddy’s 4 year anniversary. Aiden slept through most of it and was carried for the rest of time. He was great in the 1.5hr car ride on the way there and back.

Sitting Up

Aiden can almost sit by himself, but he still needs some support. After a while of sitting up he tend to fall forward or to the side.

Over the weekend mommy and daddy bought Aiden his first miniature soccer ball to promote his love for the sport. Currently we tease each other as to what would be acceptable sports for Aiden to play, so far soccer and tennis tend to be the only two acceptable choices with football, baseball and basketball being on the non-preference list.

6 Months Old!

For Aiden’s 6 month birthday mommy and daddy went out to eat at Pesto’s and had his routine Friday night bath time. Grandpa Gena as usual brought over toys.


Aiden made a full circle playing on his play center for the first time. He took his time playing with each toy/object with definite preference. During reading time with Grandma Alla, Aiden made a small tear in the Purple Peacock from his favorite colors pop-up book.

Ga ga goo goo

Aiden made his first deliberate “ga” sound.

During the day while reading his favorite colors pop-up book, in the excitement Aiden pulled and torn part of his Yellow Lynx, mommy will repair it to minimize the damage. During reading time Aiden’s new favorite thing is to flip the pages of the books.

Daddy accidentally scared Aiden during a sneeze, “bug attack” and while coming in to the room all during one day. During the “bug attack” scare Aiden cried a lot.


In the anticipation of tickling Aiden hides his neck from daddy and mommy and giggles before, during and after it. He’s outgrown his 3-6 clothes and now has moved into 6-9 month. Aiden has upgraded into the 2-3 size diapers, last step before he moves on to “cruisers”. He loves to eat his Gerber purées, his favorite flavors include pears, apple sauce, peaches and prunes. Aiden really isn’t a big fan of in peas, carrots and sweet potatoes therefore mommy has to sneaks them in with other nummy foods. Usually he realized the difference between them from bite to bite but still eats the with a face of disgust (based on the smell I don’t blame him).

He loves to grab and pet the kitties. Usually he reaches for their ears, collars and especially tails which are mostly hard to grab. Ozzy and Isis tend to be the only ones that can stand the abuse for a bit, unlike Fredo and Fermi who immediately run away.

Aiden loves to watch and sometimes dance to the Russian music videos. From time to time mommy and daddy arrange dancing time to Aiden’s most favorite dancing song.

5 Months Old!

On Aiden’s 5th month birthday Grandma Alla bought him a yellow singing ducky and a big yellow “Care Bear.” She thinks yellow is his favorite color because “Lynx the Cat” from his colors book is yellow.

Doctor, round 2

Today Aiden had his month delayed pediatrician visit with Dr. Jeffrey Wampler. Due to mommy’s and daddy’s fears of toxic vaccine poisoning, Aiden only received one shot of Prevnar and oral RotaTeq and skipped Pediarix (DTacP, IPV, HepB) and HiB. During his immunization, Aiden cried a bit, but probably mostly out of shock.  Daddy helped the nurse hold him in one place.  While in mommy’s lap, Aiden cried a bit during doctor’s thorough examination that consisted of number of flips and rotations. Aiden did not like the ear inspection.

His measurements at 5 month are: length 25” (25%), weight 17lb. 14oz (75%) and head size 42.8 (50%).